Manuela Hartel

Linkziel zu: Staatsoper München
Video-Musik-Performance „Es ist kein Zeit“

Manuela Hartel, Medienkünstlerin, München
Manuela Hartel completed vocal and performance studies at the American Institute of Music in Vienna and the Centro Professione Musica in Milan and studied media art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. She stages her own video-music-performances in various locations which she extends and transforms through her projections. Her video installations were shown – among others – repeatedly for the Bavarian State Opera. She works as a performer on stage, integrated into her stage set and into the images of her video projections. She works with voice and text, and is supported by musicians and composers of Neue Musik and electronic music. 2009 was the premiere of her performance ‘Es ist kein‘ Zeit/There is not a time’ in Munich.

„No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper“

This was followed by live-visual-interventions ‘Lohengrin Pirates’, ‘Tosca Pirates’ and ‘Fidelio Pirates’ during the Opera Festival of the Bavarian State Opera 2009-2011. In 2012 the performance ‘Rites de Passage’ located in a protestant church took place. In 2015 she produced the performance ‘Set Fire to Flames’ and was invited to the RODEO Festival 2016 in Munich. 2016 was followed by ‘No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper’ at the UNPAINTED art lab 3.0 in Munich. Her latest video/sound installation and live performance “BELOVED!” premiered on 18 May 2017 in Athens. As an artist of UNPAINTED her video work I LIVE IN HELL – LET ME LIVE is currently shown on the collateral events of the Venice Biennial 2017 at Palazzo Pisani.

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